August 4, 2024
In the Beginning
In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.
John 1:1-5
Jesus is the Word. Jesus is the Truth.
Therefore, the Word is Truth.
He existed before the Creation of the world. And by Him, through Him, and for God's glory were all things made.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.
Genesis 1:1-2
Day 1. God creates Day and Night.
And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness He called “night.
Genesis 1:3-5
Day 2. God creates Sky and separates it from the water.
God called the expanse “sky.
Genesis 1:8
Day 3. God creates Dry Land and every type of Plant, and He gathers the water together into Seas.
Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth vegetation: seed-bearing plants and fruit trees, each bearing fruit with seed according to its kind.
Genesis 1:11
God creates vegetation and fruit-bearing trees with the intention of them being food for both people and animals.
In a perfect world, animals didn't die or eat each other. Which is why, even though my husband is a Texan (born and raised), and even though he and our little Texan babies like their meat.., I still have a huge amount of empathy and understanding for vegans.
I can't say that their heart is wrong.
Ideally, that WAS the design.
Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
Genesis 1:29
Day 4. God creates the Sun, Moon, and Stars, and He gives them to us for the purpose of telling time, and in order to create seasons and weather.
And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to distinguish between the day and the night, and let them be signs to mark the seasons and days and years.
Genesis 1:14
God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. And He made the stars as well.
Genesis 1:16
Think also about how the moon's gravitational force causes waves in the water, and how, before clocks and calendars were invented, women could track their menstrual cycle and anticipate their due date by tracking the moon's cycle. The sun and the moon were essential for telling time.
Day 5. God creates every type of aquatic creature and bird.
And God said, “Let the waters teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the sky.
Genesis 1:20
Day 6. God creates land animals and human beings.
And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, land crawlers, and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so.
Genesis 1:24
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it.
So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
Genesis 1:26-27
Day 7. God rests from all His work.
Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. And by the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on that day He rested from all His work.
Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because on that day He rested from all the work of creation that He had accomplished.
Genesis 2:1-3
It's important here to note that long before the law existed, and even before sin existed, in a perfect world, God gave us the 7th Day as a day of rest, and He declared it to be holy.
To be sanctified means to be set apart and made holy.
Adam and Eve were not under the law of Moses (who was born well over 2,000 years later), nor were they under the curse of sin and death.
The Sabbath wasn't created to be a burdensome rule that inflicts stress or guilt.
But rather, God gave it to mankind as a gift, in order to alleviate both of those very things, and to rejuvenate us, both physically and spiritually.
For by not working, we get a break physically, and by keeping it holy (doing only good) we get a break spiritually from the things which inflict the burden of guilt and shame.
Then Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath.
Mark 2:27
And he answered, “If you had a sheep that fell into a well on the Sabbath, wouldn’t you work to pull it out? Of course you would. And how much more valuable is a person than a sheep! Yes, the law permits a person to do good on the Sabbath.
- Jesus (Matthew 12:11-12)
Note: This passage above creates an exception for EMS workers, and surgical staff, and firefighters to work if needed, as well as for helping to change someone's flat tire on the side of the road.
It is important to look at the heart of God's design, which is to promote health.
So if someone is working a 14-hour shift on the Sabbath to save someone's life in the ER, that is following the heart of God's instruction because you are preserving that person's health and well-being, which is the whole goal of getting rest.
Doing good also brings with it a feeling of joy and satisfaction, that in its own way, refreshes the soul.
But yes, when we study the Scriptures, we see that God didn't decide to rest because He was tired or weary.
God doesn't get tired.
God rested as an example to us, for our benefit, because He knew that WE needed it.
"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth Does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable."
Isaiah 40:20
I was reading about a study that was done a while back, where individuals who rested 1 day a week (while working 6), were compared to those who worked 7 days straight (repeatedly), and the physical results were alarming!
Those who worked continuously, without 1 day off, were more prone to illness of every kind, as well as mental health issues, on the job injuries... They were less likely to receive promotions due to brain fog and stunted performance. They had limited creativity, reduced mental capacity for problem solving, and they were understandably less cheerful, which impacted their client relations.
There were all-around negative results.
And it's not one bit surprising!
Chronic stress is one of the greatest causes of health issues because it causes your body to be overwhelmed with cortisol, which can lead to numerous side effects such as weight gain (especially in the belly), depression, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, high blood pressure, muscle weakness, acne, migraines, easy bruising, and difficulty concentrating.
Chronic stress will keep you in a state where the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is working overtime (fight-or-flight), and where adrenaline is pumping, and where you burn through nutrients at a faster rate as a result (which if they aren't replenished, causes the easy bruising).
It's very necessary if you're in danger, but you don't want to remain in that state long-term. You want to deactivate your SNS and spend time in the parasympathetic (rest-and-digest) state.
If you don't, your ability to digest food and absorb nutrients will be impacted, and your body will not be as successful in controlling inflammation and healing itself.
Being in a state where your SNS is active will also wind up causing your body to turn protein (your muscles) into sugar (for quick energy), so you wind up losing the curves in your glutes and thighs, developing belly flab, and your overall muscle tone can quickly diminish if you're not careful.
Not only that, but now, because there's so much sugar in your bloodstream, it also leads to insulin resistance, which can lead to PCOS, diabetes, and numerous other health issues.
The prolonged excess of cortisol can also lead to a situation called adrenal fatigue, where your body makes the assessment that there's too much adrenaline in the body, and in an effort to correct it, begins to under-produce it, which basically handicaps your ability to properly cope with your current level of stress, which is very similar to how insulin resistance works.
So if you have long-term goals of being healthy and productive, REST!
As Abraham Lincoln once said,
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."
If you take the time to "sharpen" (renew) yourself, you will in the end move faster and have greater productivity.
This is even a practice that farmers utilize.
In addition to rotating crops and adding fertilizers (in order to redistribute nutrients that other plants extracted), a good farmer will also let his land rest.
If he becomes greedy, or fearful of not having enough, and continues to plant and harvest, without giving the land a break, what will happen, is that the land will never remineralize to its proper levels, and the quantity of nutrients will diminish. This is one of many reasons why our food quality isn't as good today as it used to be.
God’s instructions can literally (not metaphorically, but literally) heal our country's land and health.
My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.
Proverbs 4:20-22
"The Lord said to Moses at Mount Sinai, “Tell the people of Israel this: ‘When you enter the land I will give you, let it have a special time of rest, to honor the Lord. You may plant seed in your field for six years, and you may trim your vineyards for six years and bring in their fruits. But during the seventh year, you must let the land rest. This will be a special time to honor the Lord. You must not plant seed in your field or trim your vineyards. You must not cut the crops that grow by themselves after harvest, or gather the grapes from your vines that are not trimmed. The land will have a year of rest.
‘You may eat whatever the land produces during that year of rest. It will be food for your men and women servants, for your hired workers, and for the foreigners living in your country. It will also be food for your cattle and the wild animals of your land. Whatever the land produces may be eaten.
Leviticus 25:1-7
but during the seventh year let the land lie unplowed and unused. Then the poor among your people may get food from it, and the wild animals may eat what is left. Do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove.
Exodus 23:11
Before I was married, I was both working and going to school in the pursuit of becoming a dental hygienist (I worked 3 years as both a dental assistant and florist), and I pushed myself into the ground with extensive hours to pay off all my school loans as I went.
I had worked 55+ hours for 5 years in a row, and the last year I worked 72 hours a week.
I successfully paid off $17,000 in school loans in 17 months, while supporting myself, and I entered my marriage debt-free, but chronic stress, chronic sleep deprivation, and chronic nutrient depletion took a heavy toll on me physically.
I ended up developing over 20 different symptoms, which were side effects of my stress load (which is a story in and of itself), along with an autoimmune disorder.
Because of my health issues, my husband and I lost out on well over $250,000 (probably closer to $420,000), and it wasn't even in medical expenses that insurance could cover, but instead, in a large part, because of terrible timing, missed opportunities, and repeatedly relocating -- as a direct result of my heath issues.
I am telling you this to say, "Do not do what I did."
Encourage your husband not to do what I did.
Do not wear yourself out to get rich; be wise enough to restrain yourself.
Proverbs 23:4
Skipping out on Sabbath rest isn't the shortcut to increased productivity and faster results that it makes itself out to be.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
I know it's so common to see people adamantly insist that they have "freedom in Christ," and how because of their freedom, it's not necessary for them to observe this commandment anymore, and that they reserve the right to reject it.
But I'm telling you from experience, God is SO capable of making up the difference when you determine to draw a line in the sand, and to acknowledge Him in this area.
Truly, He intended it as a gift for you, and His gifts are good.
God looks fondly on those who live by faith, and who make sacrifices in order to adjust their lives to His Word.
God honors obedience.
I had to learn this the hard way, and while it's good that I learned from my mistakes, it's even better to learn from other's mistakes, which is a big part of why we read the Bible, and why I'm taking the time to tell you this now.
But enough on that. 🙂 We have other things to cover.
One thing that I want to touch on is the belief in Young-Earth Creation itself.
(By the way, Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum are good resources for this!)
I've often heard from Christians (who believe in Macro-Evolution), say that, even though the Bible self-proclaims that it is God-breathed (God-inspired), that the story of Adam and Eve isn't actually meant to be taken literally.
They claim that it's just a nice story that's meant to teach a moral principle (like one of Jesus's parables).
They'll say the same thing about the story of Jonah and the Great Fish.
But I'll give you 3 good reasons why you SHOULD take it literally.
1. The Bible is a historical book.
Specifically, it is His (God's) Story. And as such, it includes the genealogy from Adam to Abraham, and from Abraham to Jesus.
So if Adam is Jesus's great, great, great, ... ... ... ... grandfather, and Adam didn't exist in real life, then how can we be confident that Jesus was a real person and exists in real life?
2. Many people embrace the gap-theory myth, and they claim that in-between the 'Days' of Creation, that there were millions and billions of years.
They say that birds turned into dinosaurs, and that dinosaurs lived, and died, and ate other animals, all WAAAY before people set foot on the earth.
But theologically, that doesn't hold any water. And this is why..
At the end of each day, you will repeatedly find God saying that the things which He created were good. And when He's completely finished with it all, the Bible says it yet again,
And God looked upon all that He had made, and indeed, it was very good.
Genesis 1:31
So here's the problem...
Death and suffering aren't good. Cancer isn't good. Cannibalism isn't good.
By the way, did you know that scientists have found evidence of cancer in dinosaurs?
So if you believe that dinosaurs existed millions of years before Adam was created, then you believe that death, suffering, and disease all existed millions of years before Adam as well.
And since God says that everything was "very good" AFTER He created Adam, then IF those things already existed, then He would be calling Death "very good." Sorrow "very good." Suffering "very good." Pain "very good." Cancer "very good."
God didn't design our brokenness, nor did He call it good. God didn't call death good. Rather, He went through torture in order to save us from it!
The Bible clearly says that,
When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.
Romans 5:12
For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ. Yes, Adam’s one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ’s one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone. Because one person disobeyed God, many became sinners. But because one other person obeyed God, many will be made righteous.
Romans 5:17-19
God did not create death and suffering, nor is He to blame when bad things happen to us.
God created a perfect world, and it was because of human sin, that pain and death entered it.
However, God can and does work despite it.
God can bring good outcomes out of even the most awful situations.
One example of this is conception through rape.
Sexual assault happens because human beings have free-will and they sometimes choose to do evil things and hurt each other.
Violence is evil.
But every good and perfect gift is from above, and God is the Giver of every precious baby's life (see James 1:17).
What the Devil intends for harm, God can use for the good of many.
Many people can be blessed by the person who this baby grows up to be.
3. Genesis is foundational to believing that God's Word is the authority over our lives, and it helps us to understand the rest of the whole entire Bible!
If we undermine it, we undermine the foundation on which all the morals and principles throughout the Bible are built. They get their roots from Genesis. We can't afford to destroy it with white-out.
If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?
Psalm 11:3
We see so many moral pitfalls in our culture today because, while we've been busy, the enemy hasn't been attacking surface level issues. The Devil has strategically been focused on destroying the foundation of morality, by bringing into question the validity of Genesis, and by way of doing that, bringing doubt into the minds of men (which has led to countless people rejecting the authority of Scripture).
One great example of this is with traditional marriage.
This whole group is about marriage, and marriage comes from Genesis.
Jesus Himself referenced Genesis as the authority on marriage.
When questioned by the Pharisees about it, His answer was:
Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning ‘God made them male and female.’
Matthew 19:4
He's basically like, "Don’t you realize..?" "You should know this truth already because you should have already read it in Genesis."
And marriage is only one example of this! There are so many other issues that have their philosophical roots in Genesis.
In addition, you should know that there are so many inconsistencies with carbon-dating.
Yes, we all learned about isotopes and carbon half-lives in school, but some of those among the secular community of scientists will acknowledge that there are inconsistencies. So don't let this one thing be responsible for snuffing out your faith!
By the way, earlier you might have noticed that I said Macro-Evolution.
And that is because evolution (which is gradual change over time) is (to an extent) Scientific and Biblical.
What Charles Darwin observed with the finches was real. Over time, natural selection does occur.
But then he took his hypothesis and ran off with it, and the assumptions that he made with his Monkeys-to-Man theory were faulty.
The adaptation and natural selection that he observed with the birds is known as Micro-Evolution. Micro-Evolution is real.
Micro-Evolution IS Biblical.
God created things with the capacity for variety and with the genetic capability to adapt to their surroundings -- to a certain extent.
A given animal is limited, in that it can only pass on the characteristics which it itself possesses the genetic possibility for within its DNA. If a species has not been isolated for a long period of time, it has a greater chance of producing offspring with a variety of traits.
But if a species is isolated, the offspring that receives the traits, which are best suited to that particular environment, will thrive and live to pass on those genes to its offspring (which then become increasingly pronounced and dominant within a geographical location). This is called Adaptation (or Micro-Evolution).
But at the end of that extent, if conditions are unfavorable, the creature won't morph into something more complex. In reality, it will reach its limitations and become extinct.
Macro-Evolution teaches that if the conditions are unfavorable, that the creature will spontaneously gain new information, which its parents did not possess, and gradually morph into something bigger and better.
To believe in Macro-Evolution is to believe in magic (or miracles) apart from there being a God to perform these supernatural acts.
Scientists make it confusing enough that the average person is reluctant to question it, but what Macro-Evolution boils down to is the belief in magic.
But they use a better-sounding word than that. They call this magic Spontaneous Generation.
Spontaneous Generation is the idea that something can come into existence out of nothing, and that life can come into being on its own, spontaneously.
This is the Big Bang theory in a nutshell. It claims that pressure didn't exist, and then suddenly, magically, it did. And that compression magically started to exist, and that this magnetism and force came into being on its own, and that it caused an explosion, and then the non-living matter from the explosion magically (spontaneously) became living matter.
And then they believe that a one-celled living organism magically kept gaining new genetic information, out of thin air, and things just continued to accumulate and to grow bigger and better!
All the way from one-celled organisms, to the Human Brain.
All the way from basically pond-scum, to the glorious detail of Peacock Feathers!
This is the foundation of Darwin's Monkeys-to-Man theory -- that things have the capacity to spontaneously gain new information and grow in complexity.
This is Macro-Evolution, and it is untrue, unable to be observed, and unscientific.
It really doesn't make sense if you think about it, and it requires just as much, if not more faith in the miraculous, than does faith in a Creator.
But humanists embrace it because it allows them to shed off their accountability to live in obedience to God.
Not only does spontaneous generation not make sense, but it was already scientifically disproven, twice.
The first person to disprove this was a man named Francesco Redi (1668), who was an Italian physician, and who is now referred to as the Founder of Experimental Biology.
He performed an experiment involving old meat in a jar and flies.
People used to think that maggots (life) spontaneously came from rotten meat (not alive), but Redi proved that the maggots only appeared on the meat if flies were allowed to land on it, and lay their eggs on it (eggs which contained their own, living DNA).
But Redi's experiment was rather rudimentary in that people didn't yet know about airborne microorganisms, so this experiment had to be refined later to take that into account.
The man who later took this on, who is credited with conclusively disproving the theory of spontaneous generation, was named Louis Pasteur.
His experiment involved sterilizing broth by heating it, and then allowing the broth to have an exchange of air. But by using some special swan-neck flasks, microorganisms were caught, and prevented from reaching one batch of the broth, while the other broth received full exposure to the air and the airborne microorganisms.
The broth that was sterile didn't go bad, while the one that was exposed did.
This is also how it's possible for canned foods to be preserved.
Pasteur’s set of experiments irrefutably disproved the theory of spontaneous generation and earned him the prestigious Alhumbert Prize from the Paris Academy of Sciences in 1862.
Two years later, during a lecture, he made the statement, “Omne vivum ex vivo” (“Life only comes from life”).
“…life is a germ and a germ is life."
Even a one-celled organism is life, and it can only come into existence by pre-existing life.
This became known as the Biogenic Law or Law of Biogenesis.
This law of Biology is complementary with what the Bible teaches in Genesis.
The Bible says that our lives came from God, Who is Himself Life.
Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
Genesis 2:7
But people will always ask, "Well, where did God come from?"
But God is eternal -- which is a hard concept for us to grasp, yet it is the reality that we live in every day.
The Bible says that,
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Psalm 19:1
And it's true!
The heavens (which in this instance is referring to the sky and outer space) demonstrates this characteristic of God -- His glorious eternal nature!
Just as space goes on and on in distance, forever, without end, so God's existence goes on and on into eternity.
We don't know how. It's hard to even fathom, yet it is! God's eternal nature is just as real as the space that we can peer into every night.
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
Romans 1:20
Creation must follow the laws of nature, which God set in place.
But God is supernatural, and beyond the rules of nature, which He made.
Which is why He can exist beyond the limitations of natural, Biogenic law.
He is not bound by the limitations that He put into effect.
If He is powerful enough to create them, then He is powerful enough to not be bound by them.
He simply is, and we are left to believe it.
As God says of Himself, "I AM."
When Moses asked for His name...
God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’
Exodus 3:14
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
Jesus (Revelation 22:13)
Below are several Scientists, who you might recognize, who believed that the above is true.
They were Creationists!
Sir Issac Newton
His works included the Law of Universal Gravitation, as well as the 3 Laws of Motion. He is the Father of Calculus (in relation to physics). He laid the groundwork for modern astronomy and optics by developing the Particle Theory of Light (Corpuscular Theory). He developed a telescope and helped microscope builders to refine their lenses. He was president of the United Kingdom's national academy of science, and was knighted by Queen Anne for his work in Parliament, and was made Warden of the Royal Mint.
In addition to the above, Sir Issac Newton was a theologian and wrote,
I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by men who were inspired. I study the Bible daily.
George Washington Carver
Born a slave, he became the first African American student to attend Iowa State University and went on to receive multiple degrees from there, becoming a master of Botany and founder of an industrial research lab.
He is the man who came up with the idea of Crop Rotation, which farmers use today to help prevent soil depletion. He came up with numerous inventions, and literally hundreds of uses for crops, including glue, shampoo, and ink. He also helped Henry Ford to develop a plant-based rubber for cannons during WW2, but he chose not to patent many of his inventions so that everyone could use them, and because he wanted God to have the glory, rather than his own name.
He advised Mahatma Gandhi on matters of nutrition, and was the first African American to have a national park named after him. He was an accomplished pianist and artist. And he became the Director of the Agriculture Department at Tuskegee University in Alabama. He once said,
The Lord has guided me. He has shown me the way, just as He will show everyone who turns to Him.
Gregor Mendel
He was an Austrian biologist and meteorologist. Widely known for his work with pea plants. Mendel became known as the Father of Genetics. When you learned about dominant and recessive traits in high school (AA, Aa, aa) that was his discovery. He studied this even before people knew about DNA or chromosomes.
Carl Linnaeus
He was a Swedish botanist who developed the Linnaean Classification System.
His father was a Lutheran Pastor who enjoyed gardening. Carl shared this passion for studying plants and became the first one to develop a uniform system for naming species of organisms based on their traits. He wrote the Species Plantarum (The Species of Plants), and his system quickly became the standard for Zoology as well. When you hear someone say, "Rosa Rubiginosa" or "Rosa Centifolia" (for example) as the scientific name for a flower -- that's his doing.
The irony is that Macro-Evolutionists built on his work, and used it to establish their own ancestral family trees, which then began to be shown in public schools, and the secular community has now used these illustrations for decades (up to the present day), to spread the belief in Macro-Evolution.
But Linnaeus himself said,
The flowers' leaves... serve as bridal beds which the Creator has so gloriously arranged
Dr. Raymond Damadian
He was a graduate of Harvard, Juilliard, and Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He was a physician and medical practitioner, but is best known for his invention of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, commonly known as the MRI Scanner used in today's hospitals. He discovered that tumors respond to a different wavelength than normal tissue, which allows us to better detect them. He revolutionized doctors' ability to detect and treat illness. He said,
I am a young-earth creation scientist and believe that God created the world in six 24-hour days, just as recorded in the book of Genesis. By God’s grace and the devoted prayers of my godly mother-in-law, I invented the MRI scanner in 1969. The idea that scientists who believe the earth is 6,000 years old cannot do real science is simply wrong.
In addition to these brilliant men, there have been many other inventors who, while not Creationists, did get the inspiration for their inventions, from God's original designs.
Leonardo da Vinci and Otto Lilienthal were both inspired by birds' wings in their attempt to achieve human flight.
But it was the Wright Brothers who went to listen to one of Otto Lilienthal's lectures, who finally made this long-time dream a reality with the invention of the airplane.
Another example of this is the Japanese scientist, Koryo Miura, who studied the origami concept of the beech leaf (called the miura-fold). He extended the pattern to a project that he was working towards.
Basically, there's a very special, very specific way that leaves are folded up, and they have to be folded in this way, in order to be compressed tightly enough to fit inside a tree bud. As the plant grows, the folds spread out like an accordion, allowing for maximum surface area to better absorb solar energy.
Thanks to his study of God's design, in 1995, the Japanese succeeded in building a massive solar array. It was 80 feet long, with a surface area of 620 square feet, which is huge!!
And they were able to fold up the entire thing tightly enough that it could be stored in a satellite called the Space Flyer Unit.
And here's another instance, where if people HAD listened more carefully to the Bible, then the medical practice of the day would've been a lot better off!
Our 1st President, George Washington, died because his doctors repeatedly cut him and drained his blood. They did this under the false belief that removing "bad blood" would drain out the sickness. This practice was known as blood-letting.
However, in Leviticus it says:
For the life of the flesh is in the blood...
Leviticus 17:11
By repeatedly bleeding him, they literally drained his life out, and that ended up being what killed him rather than his sickness, which they were attempting to cure!
Had they known this (by reading and understanding the book of Leviticus), his death would almost certainly have been prevented.
The evidence is all the same. It's the interpretation of it that differs from secular and Creationist scientists.
There have been so many discoveries that have been made recently, because more people have begun to embrace a holistic approach to studying nature and the human body.
When people approach Biology from the perspective that the Human Body has a marvelous design (and is NOT an accident), and that there is a reason why it functions the way it does, it results in numerous wonderful discoveries!
For example, women in the 1900's fell under the notion that breastfeeding was something to be ashamed of, and that it was something that only poor women did, so in their vanity, they avoided letting on to others that they did so.
Now we know that Colostrum coats the baby's digestive tract, setting the baby up with a healthy microbiome, and it's seen as something that only the privileged can attain.
The breast milk also contains antibodies for the baby, and it reduces the baby's risk of developing many different childhood diseases, as well as significantly reducing the mother’s risks of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease, and high blood pressure. It can also help to reduce postpartum bleeding, lessen postpartum depression (in some cases), and aid in postpartum recovery.
The baby certainly goes through a tight squeeze in the birth canal, but this can help to remove amniotic fluid from the baby's airway.
The tonsils and the appendix were once called vestigial body parts, and were viewed as "evidence" or "remnants" of humans once having monkey tails.
But now we know that the Appendix acts as a reservoir for good bacteria in case they get flushed out of your large intestine while having diarrhea. You need good bacteria for proper digestion.
While the Tonsils are part of your body's first line of Immune Defense, and work to activate T-cells to signal your body to start creating antibodies. Getting them removed can increase your susceptibility to respiratory infections.
And again, Macro-Evolution and the Monkeys-to-Man theory has been nothing but a hindrance to society, as it was because of this theory, that racism was so prevalent in our early American History.
People believed Darwin's theory, and they were deceived by Satan, into believing that individuals with more melanin were less developed, and closer in relation to monkeys, than were Caucasians; and therefore, they concluded that the darker one's skin was, the less intelligent they were. This prejudice was due entirely to people believing that they were more closely related to monkeys than white people.
It was the ignorance, and willful rejection of Biblical truth (that we all came from 1 man and 1 woman, and are therefore 1 race -- the human race), that led to blacks being dehumanized.
And it is only by dehumanizing the unborn that some promote their torture.
But the Bible says,
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Psalm 139:13
Even with all our modern medicine and technology, synthetic vitamins are worse than natural ones. Organic food is better than bioengineered food, and giving the body what it needs to heal (vegetables, rest, and exercise), will heal the root causes of physical ailments better than band-aid-fix pharmaceuticals.
Messing up the body's natural chemistry with synthetic hormones (puberty blockers and birth control) wreaks havoc on the human body, creating all types of problems.
And these realizations have all come about thanks to people realizing that (in their words) "Nature" knows best.
Really, what they mean is that God knows best, but they're too prideful to admit it, so they say "Nature knows" And that, "The Universe" has their back.
In their language they personify things that are non-beings because they subconsciously recognize that there is a supernatural power that is greater than them behind it all, and that His design is indeed marvelous.
They are willing to worship the creation, rather than the Creator, because it allows them to evade accountability and their obligation to live in obedience to His Word.
They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
Romans 1:25
But as for us, let us echo the words of the Psalmist when he declared,
I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works, and I know this very well.
Psalm 139:14